Please read the following verses of scriptures carefully.They are in the New Century Translations.
Matt 7:24-29
Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise
who built his house on rock. 25 It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and hit
that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on rock. 26 Everyone who hears my words and does
not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 It rained hard, the floods came,
and the winds blew and hit that house, and it fell with a big crash."
28 When Jesus finished saying these
things, the people were amazed at his teaching, 29 because he did not teach like
their teachers of the law. He taught like a person who had authority.
1 Cor 3:9-17
10 Using the gift God gave me, I
laid the foundation of that house like an expert builder. Others are building
on that foundation, but all people should be careful how they build on it. 11 The foundation that has already been
laid is Jesus Christ, and no one can lay down any other foundation. 12 But if people build on that foundation,
using gold, silver, jewels, wood, grass, or straw, 13 their work will be clearly seen, because
the Day of JudgmentN will make it visible. That Day will appear with fire, and
the fire will test everyone's work to show what sort of work it was. 14 If the building that has been put
on the foundation still stands, the builder will get a reward. 15 But if the building is burned up,
the builder will suffer loss. The builder will be saved, but it will be as one who
escaped from a fire.
16 Don't you know that you are God's
temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? 17 If anyone destroys God's temple, God
will destroy that person, because God's temple is holy and you are
that temple.
From the
Chamber’s dictionary destiny means the purpose or end to which any person or
thing is appointed. Other meanings for destiny are fortune,
predestination, future, vocation. We can confidently and conveniently say
that God has a good purpose or destiny for us. He has a good future for us. But
it IS our duty to discover them and build. We should know that the ground we
build is very important. When we discover our future, vocation, fortune and do
not build it on a solid ground we will end us wasting our time and energy. Gen 6:9-22.Verse 22 gave us a clear
understanding that Noah did everything that the Lord commanded him. There is no
other ground that you will stand your future that guarantees success more than
the word of God. Every Heroe’s destiny
should anchor on the word of God. This means that applying what the word of
God says into our lives should be our topmost priority. We do not have to treat
the word of God as secondary
The ground
is the most important part of the building. That is why the first thing
builders do is to strengthen the ground before they commence any building of
any kind. What you are applying into your life matters a lot. I mean the
beliefs you live by. Family beliefs, societal, religious , philosophical, evolutional
e.t.c. Any destiny that is not built on the word of God may look very colorful
and attractive but it will fade with time.
Before you
make anything meaningful out of this life, you have to accept Christ……WITHOUT HIM YOU CAN DO NOTHING. Your future is not common. It contains
an ingredient that the people of the world do not know. You have to learn how
to hear God. You have to learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit. You have to learn
how to do night vigil. You have to learn how to pray. You have learn to pay
your tithe. You have to learn how to fast. You have to learn how worship.
The church
we are in (the body of Christ) is built on the solid rock. You have to become
rock so that you can be fixed. This means that our destinies should be built in
relation to Jesus Christ.(Eph 2:19-20,1Ptr 2:4-12).Heroes are stones .Do not expect to succeed with the worldly system
in the church. You cannot change more than the word you hear and apply. When
you apply the word of God your life will be full of wealth, wisdom and wonders.
Other books are full letters but the word of God is full of wonders. How much
of the word of God we hear and apply we determine how far you will go and that
is your destiny/future
I pray for everybody reading this that is not born again.In Jesus name, father help them to accept Jesus Christ into their lives.
More grace......to be continued in the our next post.