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*“… he hath chosen Judah to be the ruler; and of the house of Judah, the house of my father; and among the sons of my father….”*
( *1 Chronicles 28:4*)
God entered Jesse’s house because of the faithfulness that Ruth demonstrated many years before. God didn’t go there because of Jesse. If Jesse had done anything remarkable. It would have been recorded in the Bible. God went there to reward a woman for what she did and for the life she lived. God rewards anyone in whom He finds faithfulness. Ruth was not originally a Jew. She did become one by marriage though. She was from Moab, a people that God instructed the Jews to have nothing to do with.
Did you know that Ruth could have said all those nice things to Naomi only to do the opposite later? But no, she didn’t. If you understand the Jewish calender, they were not open to non Jews, exclusivity, This will give you a picture of how difficult it must have been for Ruth to fit into their society and culture. Even with all that, she made up her mind to stay. She must have said to herself, “No matter what happens, I belong here and will remain here for life.”
Faithfulness is a huge virtue; its rewards are far-reaching and innumerable. If you take what I’m teaching you to heart, your life will change forever. The life you’re living now isn’t about you. It’s about those of your bloodline, present and future. I want to reiterate that you can give your seeds and generations after them the good life by what you do today. You can as well spoil everything for them. Two choices are before you. Choose life.
*_The life you are living is more about your seed than about you_.*
*PRAYER/CONFESSION*: _Lord help me to be faithful to you in all my ways. Help me to be faithful to those in authority and to your house, to leaders you have placed over me_.
*_Ruth 1:16-17_*


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