LIVING BY THE WORD Text; Heb 4:12-13 INTRODUCTION The word of God remain inactive, blunt, dead, powerless and without any edge when it remains on the paper. From Exodus to Deut. ‘Thus says Jehovah’ is repeated over two thousand times. God and His word are one. So the word of God is God speaking to us. The word is always now. What the word of God says many years ago is still working now if we speak them to our situations. It is the duty of every Hero to validate the word by speaking them to our situation Jesus is the word. Jesus is the living word. The word is called the Logos. Jesus is the Logos and the Logos is the living word---not in the books nor on the written papers but in the lips of the believer. There is no created thing hidden from Him… this living .The Word searches us out, finds us. Heroes live by the word of God WHY WE SHOULD LIVE BY THE WORD OF GOD · We are Recreated by the word of God.( James 1:18,Jh 3;3-8,1Ptr 1;23,2