COL 3:1 ¶ IF YE THEN BE RISEN WITH CHRIST, SEEK THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE ABOVE, WHERE CHRIST SITTETH ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. EPH 2: 6 AND HATH RAISED US UP TOGETHER, AND MADE US SIT TOGETHER IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST JESUS To rise with Christ is a reality that comes to the life of someone who accepts Jesus Christ by faith to receive eternal life. You cannot be raised with Christ in unbelief. Unbelief keeps men in the grave of ignorance. Ignorance is a big grave. No one is destroyed because of sin or by Satan. Our problem is our ignorance. Christ came to save the whole world from sin but many are still buried in the grave of ignorance through unbelief. The life of a believer begins by faith in Christ. This is the reason believers should know their stand in Christ. The knowledge of Christ keeps us ahead of every doubt and fear that the world brings through natural occurrences and challenges. An unbeliever cannot say he has risen with Christ because he is dead in t...