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                                                LIVING IN CHRIST 2
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 Romans 8:1 ¶ There is therefore now no condemnation to THEM WHICH ARE IN CHRIST JESUS,WHO DO NOT WALK AFTER THE FLESH,but after the Spiritt.
Condemnation is not  for us who are in Christ.It is our position of advantage.To be in condemnation means to be in fear.Fear of our sins of the past.Fear of the future because.Nobody is qualified to condemn us because we are not walking after the flesh.To walk after the flesh means to do the things that satisfies the cravings of  our senses.As we grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ we become more immune against the dictates of our sense organs.To BE LEAD BY THE SENSES IS TO WALK AFTER THE FLESH.. Romans 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.To be in the flesh is to be lead by our senses.It means being controlled by our nature that came after Adams separation from God.
Those who are in Christ may not had mastered the voice of the Spirit well to walk thereby.Missing His voice sometime should not bring condemnation in our lives to stop our walk with God.That is why we are growing everyday.The growth we have in Christ is an unlimited growth.Mistakes does not mean the absence of God.God had done all things perfect in Christ.He knew that we had been engulfed with our old nature.As we learn how to walk in our new nature in Christ it may take us through some periods of mistakes before we grow to less mistake and then to no mistakes.To walk after the spirit means to learn to live by the word of God that the Holy Spirit puts in our minds.The struggle of who leads us takes place in our minds.We should learn to depend wholly on the Spirit of God.He does not lead us into a life of condemnation.But the life of Christ.It is the life of love.The more we allow our spirit to lead us through the word of God the more the flesh gets weaker.The flesh gets weaker because we starve it by depending on the word of God.When we starve the flesh ,we become more resistant to the devil because he tempts us through the desires of of our flesh.
If you are not born again, you are condemn already.You are under the control of the devil.Please the first step we have to take is accept Jesus Christ.Our growth starts when we come into Christ.The best place to be is in Christ.

Thank you father for giving me the opportunity to live in Christ in Jesus name.


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