In (Mark
11:23 23) Jesus says, For verily I say
unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be
thou cast into the sea; AND SHALL NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART, but shall believe
that those things which he saith shall come to pass; HE shall have whatsoever
he saith.
To doubt the word of God is very dangerous in the life of every Christian.
It is not part of our nature. If God had doubted Himself, nothing that was made
would have ever been made. God had faith in His words from the beginning of
creation. Doubt promotes the devil. When we doubt the word of God we submit to
the nature of our enemy. Doubt means that we are allowing our mental reasoning
to determine what is possible. Then our minds hold us in the bondage that what
cannot be mentally reasonable is not possible. Our activities are spiritual. If
God has said it. It means that it has been done already. Whatever we need to
live well as Christians has been provided in Christ. Christ answered all the
questions that bothers man. God provided the answers we need in Christ. We do
not doubt whether the day will break any day the night falls. Then why should
we doubt whether God could heal us. Doubt chases away our answers. It makes
them go farther as we approach them. Any time we doubt the word of God we
reject our answers. It stops us from saying what we believe with our hearts. It
brings a road block in the mind to hinder the power that flow in the word from
the spirit. Doubt repels the grace of God to receiving our healing. Why,
because the answer is in the word that we doubt. It is like when we are trying
to receive something from someone with our fist closed
In our text Jesus was stressing the need to abhor doubt in
dealing with the principles of saying the word of God we believe and seeing
what we say come to pass. For we to see them come to pass we have to deal with
every hindrance. That is doubt. Some of the way doubt comes in are when the
mind is still concentrating on the symptoms of the disease. Or when we do not
feel anything in our bodies as the word goes out. It makes us think that
nothing had really happened .But I to want assure us that something happen anytime
the word is spoken from a heart full of faith. We should take our mind away
from symptom and look into what the word can do. AND THE THING THE WORD OF GOD
CAN DO IS ALL THINGS. It can raise the dead. It can remove cancer. It can heal
HIV. It can remove athsma, it can remove blood diseases, it can restore brain
agility why because all thing were made by the same word. So it can fix all
To kill doubt, we have to constantly and consistently affirm
to our minds that we have been healed by the strips of Jesus Christ therefore
no sickness is permitted to stay in our
bodies. The price for our healing has been paid.
To b continued...
Speak to yourself
that you have been healed in Jesus name therefore it is illegal for you to be
sick. Tell the sickness to go and do what you have not been do. Please share
with me the testimonies of your healing in this blog. I know God is working in
our lives.