CONTROL YOUR MIND BY THE SPIRIT AND STOP LIVING BY SIGHT (SENSES) 2COR 5: 17 THEREFORE IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATURE: OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY; BEHOLD, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW. 2CO 5:7 (FOR WE WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT) Old things pass away before God but they don’t pass away in the mind because memories do not vanish when we accept Jesus Christ by faith. We were redeemed from sin so that a believer could constantly renew the mind by knowledge of Christ to live in the realty of the new live we have in Him and escape fleshy lusts. EPH 4:23 AND BE RENEWED IN THE SPIRIT OF YOUR MIND (COL 3: 9-10) 9 LIE NOT ONE TO ANOTHER, SEEING THAT YE HAVE PUT OFF THE OLD MAN WITH HIS DEEDS;10 AND HAVE PUT ON THE NEW MAN, WHICH IS RENEWED IN KNOWLEDGE AFTER THE IMAGE OF HIM THAT CREATED HIM: We need to redeem the mind from the memories of the past constantly. Even the memories of a good thing done to a brother in Christ could be an obstacle. I said this...